Earnings Disclaimer
If you click on some of my recommendation links, I might receive a small commission.
Commissions like these are beneficial to everyone involved.
Firstly, they help support this website, which allows me to help more people find their first job in set design.
Secondly, by clicking on such links, you might also receive a discount that you otherwise wouldn't have received.
So all in all, it's a win-win for everyone.
Regardless of whether I receive a commission or not, I will have used, experienced and benefited from anything I recommend.
I don't like mediocrity in life; I prefer doing things properly.
(If you've purchased from my course, I'm sure you'll have no trouble believing that.)
Therefore, if I recommend anything to you, it's because I sincerely believe it might be beneficial to you.
I won't recommend anything sub-standard in order to make a quick buck.
There's enough crap in the world as it is, and I don't want to add to it by doing malicious things like that.
I hope you're having a nice day.